Sunday, November 16, 2008

La Comida - The Food

So on friday, i made the mistake of accidentally taking food that was meant to be saturday's lunch.  I tried to heat up the meetballs, but I couldn't heat them for long, because the microwave would break.  Eating meatballs cold is not so great.  Meat that is suposed to warm when consumed just doesn't taste good cold.  So, i threw the meatballs that I had already cut in half away.  Bad choice.  My host mom was furious that I had thrown away perfectly good food, as she should have been.  I'm used to being able to throw food away and not having to face any consequences, because in the United States, food is cheaper, and my family has a different money situation.  As my dad pointed out to me when I called him asking for advice, and my host mom reiterated in our making- up conversation, in most other parts of the world, food is not as readily available, and the fact that we're lucky enough to have an excess amount of food.  I've now started to not be picky about food, though it is most definitely a challenge.  Spanish food is not all that great.  

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